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a) To extend grant render financial and other help to the poor and needy irrespective of their caste, creed, sex, religion or nationality etc., to enable them to meet the cost of medical treatment, and other medical and health care necessities.
b) To extend grant render financial and other help to the poor and needy irrespective of their caste, creed, sex, religion or nationality etc., to enable them to meet the cost of educational needs, which includes payment of fees, purchase of necessary stationery items, books and other necessities irrespective of caste creed religion and nationality etc.
c) To provide outdoor dispensary or assistance thereof and also to run mobile medical services.
d) To provide support to Old Aged Homes, to meet their day to day essentials needs which include basic essentials like distribution of used good condition clothes, new clothes , to help with Food Essential supplies such monthly or yearly ration to meet their needs either by itself or in cooperation with any other organization established for such purposes.
e) To provide support to Orphan Children, to meet their education needs and medical needs either by itself or in cooperation with any other organization established for such purposes.
f) To extend financial support to carry on any social service work including feeding the poor, under privileged, Orphans and also support other relief work, in cooperation with any other organization established for such purposes, for helping the poor disabled.
g) Setting up or helping by the orphanages, or homes for the benefits of aged persons, orphans, widows and poor persons and of helping them to meet their Essential requirement which include purchase and donating of electric goods, Food Essentials, Medical Equipment and also educational supplies.
h) To construct buildings for the achievement of above objectives and to carryon any other acts incidental to the above mentioned objects
i) To donate or subscribe or assist or support other institutions/ Trustees / organizations having similar objects or engaged in the field of public service (donations which are exempted under sec 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961).
j) To collect and receive donations, contributions, subscriptions, bequest, grant in-aid, other air, assistance in cash or in kind from all persons and institutions interested in the objects of the Trust.